Program Catalogue

Teacher Wellbeing

Coping with Teacher Stress and Burnout

Teaching can be a highly stressful occupation and many teachers suffer burnout. This leads to a high attrition rate and a shortage of qualified teachers having an impact on student achievement. Teaching is a highly complex profession and there are many contributing factors leading to teacher stress and burnout. However teachers can protect themselves by using a range of coping strategies to mitigate the impact of work-related stress and burnout.

Online Programs

Positive Education Program (PEP) - K-12

Boosting Student Performance

Positive Education Program (PEP) - Early Childhood


Wellness Workshops


Participating in this course further developed my knowledge on identifying children's strengths and acknowledging positive behaviour. The short videos gave me some ideas on classroom feedback and on other teachers’ ideas of their classroom in supporting identifying strengths. Jenny Fox-Eades example of one teacher’s idea of portraits was a really great idea.

Lisa, Early Childhood Educator, Sydney

It was perhaps the most useful PD I have done! When time allows I hope to complete a few more of the online courses on your site, they all look great. I enjoyed it so much and resonate with all your programs. I'm having a meeting with my principal soon and I want to share what I've been doing and what I plan to do. I hope I can implement some ideas from the bright happy schools and my own ideas across the whole school. Thanks again, your work is awesome.

Sophie, Primary School Teacher, Regional NSW

While previously I had done some research into mindfulness, I was yet to appreciate the impact of gratefulness, both on teachers and students. This module has helped me to explicitly teach ways in which people can be and can express their gratitude I feel that before undertaking this unit, I had a sound understanding of positive reinforcement. The PL has, however, helped to focus my attention on the practice and to develop a new protocol for one of my classes. It was a lovely activity for the end of term, both for the students and myself, which would encourage me to do something similar at the end of Term 3.

Rebecca, High School Teacher, Sydney

This project addresses standard 1 in knowing students and how they learn. If we know what students are grateful for we can get to know them better and build rapport. This will in turn benefit our teaching. In this day and society it is essential that all teachers are teachers of wellbeing and this will in turn help individual teachers be more aware of the effects of gratitude and how it can help in their every day lesson planning.

Angela, High School Teacher, Regional NSW

Content was meaningful and valued by myself and my students so it was easy to engage. Through modelling and encouraging students to adopt their own gratitude practice, students will affect their own experiences and continued learning in a positive way, as will I. I believe that the learning from this course helps me operate more effectively at all stages of the teaching and learning cycle including providing students with feedback and letting them know how thankful I am for all their efforts, work and more.

Primary School Teacher, Regional NSW